It’s not uncommon to assume that bunk beds are just for kids. However, there are plenty of businesses and institutions that rely on bunk beds to support the weight of an adult. These adult-size bunks can be found in college dorms, camps, hostels, police and fire stations, government and employee housing, and so on. In addition, families that host a lot of houseguests may utilize heavy duty bunk beds suitable for child and adult guests alike.
Even so, larger adults may worry that a bunk bed is too flimsy to support their weight. The good news is that some bunk beds are designed with all sizes of people in mind. Bunk beds for heavy people are not only strong and sturdy, but also safety compliant. Here are a few features you’ll want to look for to put your mind at ease.
Industrial Strength Bunk Beds for Heavy People
Some bunk beds are made for kids or they simply aren’t adequate to hold the weight (or size) of a larger adult. This is why it’s important to look for bunk beds specifically designed to accommodate adults, as well as bunk beds for heavy people. What do these products look like?
They are made with industrial strength materials and constructed to accommodate the size and weight of an adult. Each bunk should feature six box section cross members and industrial strength metal mesh panels that can hold up to 500 pounds of weight, plus tubes welded on all four sides to ensure strength and durability, as well as prevent possible pest infestation. In some cases, custom sizing may be available to ensure that even tall adults can fit into bunks.
These bunks should also provide sturdy ladders that extend to the floor to transfer weight, as well as guard rails designed to prevent falls and help to increase the rigidity of the bed frame. With all of these features in place, even a heavier adult should have no apprehension about using bunk beds. They won’t buckle or tip when properly assembled.
Safety Compliance
There are all kinds of rules related to safety when it comes to manufacturing beds, and especially bunk beds. When you’re seeking adult bunk beds designed specifically to accommodate the size and weight of larger adults, you’ll need to make sure the products you choose meet stringent standards for safety.
This not only includes construction and materials rated to support weights of up to 500 pounds per bunk, but it also means meeting entrapment hazard standards for both the US and UK. Safe bunk beds for adults should not only support the average adult size and weight (and then some) but also ensure easy escape in emergency situations.
Structural Warranty
The final thing you should look for is a structural warranty. Manufacturers like ESS Universal not only provide all the features and meet all the standards listed above, but they also offer a 3-year structural warranty for products. In other words, they put their money where their mouth is, and that, more than anything, should put a buyer’s mind at ease.
ESS Universal manufactures and supplies high-quality, cost-effective commercial grade beds, mattresses, and furniture to camps, hostels, shelters, dorms and more. View our entire line of furniture products including our popular waterproof foam mattress for institutional use, single metal bed frames, single over single bunk beds, single over double bunk beds, and triple bunk beds. Download our catalog for detailed information on our complete product line.