If you’ve ever encountered bed bugs, you know they are a pain to get rid of. They multiply quickly and silently attack anyone close enough to bite, leaving behind unpleasant, itchy marks.
Many people know they can jump—but can bed bugs climb metal or other smooth surfaces?
One way bed bugs enter your home is through your luggage after a stay at a hotel. They can crawl across the carpet and make their way towards your bed, all while you’re unaware they are present. But once they reach your metal bed frame, what happens?
Can bed bugs climb metal bed frames? Keep reading to learn what type of surface these unwanted critters prefer.
Where Do Bed Bugs Hide?
Bed bugs like to hide as close to their host as possible to have physical contact while they feed. This means they may be found on your mattress, box spring, and bed frame.
Their flat body shape makes it easy for them to hide in nooks, crannies, crevices, gaps, cracks, and small joints in your home.
But what surface makes the ideal climbing post so a bed bug can reach its host?
Can Bed Bugs Climb on Wood?
Wood is a place that bed bugs love to take up residence. Both of these materials often have holes, ridges, and indentations that are easy for these pests to crawl across.
Even varnished or lacquered wood isn’t safe. While it may feel smooth to your touch, on a microscopic level, there are still bumps and ridges that these tiny parasites can latch onto.
Many bed frames are made from wood, which can react to changes in temperature. When wood expands and contracts, it creates gaps and cracks that easily hide bed bugs.
Can Bed Bugs Climb Metal or Plastic?
Bed bugs can climb on plastic, but it isn’t easy. Plastic generally has a smooth surface that makes climbing more difficult.
The insect becomes hesitant to climb because they will likely fall, putting their lives in danger. Covering your room with plastic may limit the insect’s movement, but it won’t stop it altogether.
Like plastic, metal has a smooth surface, creating a challenge for the tiny pest to get anywhere. Metal tends to be cold and will hinder their interest. But that doesn’t make metal 100% bed-bug resistant.
If there is fabric or wood nearby for them to grip, they can still make their way across a horizontal metal frame and nest inside the hollow tubes. At ESS Universal, we fully seam-weld every joint – so the bed bugs do not have access inside our hollow tubes.
Detering a Bed Bug Infestation
Keep in mind that there’s no guarantee that bed bugs won’t invade your bed. But there are preventive measures you can take to mitigate the infestation of these creepy critters.
Make sure that guests are not unpacking their belongings on a bed. If possible, remove carpet from the rooms, and be sure to vacuum living areas daily.
Another way to slow down a climbing bed bug is to purchase bed-bug-resistant furniture made from smooth-surfaced materials.
This type of furniture has few to no hiding places for bed bugs to nest and lay their eggs. These frames are helpful in community environments like hostels.
Purchasing an ESS Universal metal frame will be less inviting than traditional wooden ones. Not only are they a smooth, cold surface, but our frames are sealed off at all four corners to prevent bed bugs from hiding out.
Pair one of our frames with our waterproof foam mattress and Viscose foam pillow, and you’ll have a sleeping surface that is specifically designed to keep bed bugs away.

ESS Universal manufactures and supplies high-quality, cost-effective commercial grade beds, mattresses, and furniture to camps, hostels, shelters, dorms and more. View our entire line of furniture products including our popular waterproof foam mattress for institutional use, single metal bed frames, single over single bunk beds, single over double bunk beds, and triple bunk beds. Download our catalog for detailed information on our complete product line.