Regardless of whether you’ve ever personally experienced a bed bug infestation, it’s very likely you’re already well aware of how incredibly inconvenient, uncomfortable, and hard-to-kill bed bugs are. But what you may not know is that if you manage or operate a camp, residency hall, shelter, hostel, employee housing unit, or any other type of high-traffic shared accommodation, bed bugs can pose an even bigger risk.
Bed bugs are known to multiply and spread rapidly, meaning if the problem is not swiftly addressed and the bugs exterminated, they can quickly scatter throughout your entire facility. That’s why it’s important to stay well-informed on the topic, including how to properly identify bed bugs and how to deal with them.
Keep reading to learn the answers to common questions about bed bugs, including “How big are bed bugs?”
What Do Bed Bugs Look Like? How Big Are Bed Bugs?
Bed bugs can be identified by their distinctive size, shape, and color. They are small, wingless insects that are usually somewhere between three and seven millimeters in length, typically reddish-brown, orange, or yellow in color, and have flat, elongated, oval-shaped bodies.
Despite their small size, bed bugs can bring big trouble. Though bed bugs are not known to transmit diseases, their bites can be very itchy and unpleasant. Still, luckily, you don’t need any special equipment to spot bed bugs. With good lighting, bed bugs can easily be seen by the naked eye.
Knowing what bed bugs look like can help you determine whether you’re dealing with an infestation of bed bugs or another common pest. Several other bugs often get mistaken for bed bugs due to their small size and similar appearance, such as spider beetles, baby cockroaches, ticks, head lice, bat bugs, and carpet beetles.
How Big Are Bed Bugs’ Eggs?
Compared to the pests themselves, bed bugs’ eggs are a little harder to spot due to their small size and inconspicuous color, but they can still be seen if you know what to look for. Bed bug eggs are about one millimeter long — about the size of a poppy seed — and are pale white in color.
Where Are Bed Bugs Most Commonly Found?
As their name suggests, bed bugs are most commonly found in or near beds, including spots within mattresses, pillows, sheets, and blankets. However, bed bugs are not exclusively found in beds. They can be found on couches, chairs, rugs, and various cracks and crevices around your facility, and the longer they go unaddressed, the farther they will spread.
What to Do if You Find a Bed Bug
If you spot a bed bug, there are surely many more close by, so you should start addressing the problem immediately. If you catch the signs of an infestation early, you may be able to deal with the problem on your own by washing all the affected bedding and drying them on your dryer’s highest setting. However, if the bed bugs have spread beyond the confines of your facility’s beds, it’s best to turn to a professional exterminator in your area.
How to Prevent Bed Bugs in Your Facility
It’s important that you take proactive steps all year long to prevent the appearance and spread of bed bugs in your facility. First, you should inspect beds and bedding regularly for signs of bed bug activity. Aside from directly finding bed bugs, several other signs may clue you into an infestation. Be on the lookout for the following:
- Discarded bed bug shells or exoskeletons
- Small brown or red stains on your bedding
- Red, itchy welts
You should thoroughly check all beds and bedding at least once a month and always between guests. Additionally, you should strive to keep the area as clean and clutter-free as possible, as bed bugs thrive in cluttered environments.
Protecting Your Facility
One of the best ways to prevent bed bug infestations in your facility is to invest in bed bug-resistant beds and mattresses. All the bunk beds and mattresses from ESS Universal come with an air-tight, bug-resistant seal that guarantees pests can’t burrow their way inside.

ESS Universal manufactures and supplies high-quality, cost-effective commercial grade beds, mattresses, and furniture to camps, hostels, shelters, dorms and more. View our entire line of furniture products including our popular waterproof foam mattress for institutional use, single metal bed frames, single over single bunk beds, single over double bunk beds, and triple bunk beds. Download our catalog for detailed information on our complete product line.