If you’ve just seen a dead bed bug, chances are you’re feeling confused, alarmed, and even a bit freaked out. We can’t blame you — bed bugs can be notoriously finicky to deal with, and if you happen to find one that’s dead, there’s always a possibility that more will follow.
Typically, if you’ve noticed any bed bug activity, your best bet is to call a pest control management company to ease your mind and get rid of any signs of them. But what if you’re not entirely sure if you’re at that point?
If you’re asking yourself the question, “I found a dead bed bug, what does that mean?” we’ve got your answer in the article below.
Check for More
While the occasional lone bug can show up in your home, or a dead bug can be picked up during travel, that’s the best-case scenario.
More often than not, there are many more bugs where that came from: bed bugs can quickly produce many offspring. A female bug can lay around one to five eggs every day. So even if you’re only dealing with a few bugs, that number can get a lot higher very quickly.
You’ll want to check for any additional bugs, either dead or alive. Living bugs are masters of hiding, so make sure to check all small cracks or crevices for any signs of life.
Some of their favorite hiding spots include pillowcases, comforters, luggage, blankets, any upholstered furniture, nightstands, or anywhere where they would have quick access to food.
Recognize the Signs
Even if you can’t find any other bugs, you should know the other tell-tale signs that you might be experiencing an infestation. Look for black or brown spots around the mattress seams. You can also check for red-looking stains that form when you accidentally crush a bed bug that fed during the evening.
During your search, you might also be able to find bed bug exoskeletons in your sheets or mattress. These shells will be pale yellow or brown, and you might need a magnifying glass to get a good look at them.
You should also check for eggs — while they’ll be incredibly tiny and hard to see, it’s worth it to take a look if you’re already checking for exoskeletons.
Getting Rid of the Bed Bugs
Recognizing the bugs might have been the easy part. Now it’s time to take back your bed. If you’re stuck in the trance of “I found a dead bed bug, what does that mean?” you could use the help of a professional exterminator.
Exterminators will usually treat your infestation with pesticides and heat treatment, a powerful approach that can kill the bugs while being safe for your home. This one-two punch of pest control can eliminate bed bugs better than any DIY method and ensure you sleep comfortably through the night.
Bed bugs are complicated to take care of all by yourself, so call in some professional reinforcements when you find your first bed bug. They can take care of the problem before it gets any worse.

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