ESS UNIVERSAL USA LLC, of Holland, MI, has been named one of Michigan’s 2021 PTAC (Procurement Technical Assistance Centers) Best Small Businesses.
Lansing, Mich– Michigan Celebrates Small Business (MCSB), has been honoring small businesses in the state of Michigan for 17 years and today they are announcing the awardees of the 2021 MCSB annual gala.
The 2021 gala will take place on July 20 and will feature three award categories including Michigan 50 Companies to Watch, Michigan 50 Distinguished Alumni, and Best Small Business. Businesses that are announced to receive awards will be able to celebrate the change they have created alongside one another despite the challenging year.
“Small businesses create significant economic impact in communities across Michigan, said Josh Hundt, Chief Business Development Officer and Executive Vice President at the Michigan Economic Development Corporation. “We are excited to acknowledge and celebrate more than 80 small businesses this year who have been selected by their peers, communities and small business support organizations and demonstrate the resiliency and impact of Michigan small businesses.”
“We are very honored to be named one of Michigan’s best small businesses by MCSB and to be a part of our great local community and economy here in Michigan,” said Philip Bouman of ESS Universal, “A special thanks to MCSB for continuing to champion small business and fostering the entrepreneurial spirit in Michigan.”
Michigan Celebrates Small Business (MCSB) is the most prestigious small business awards program in the state of Michigan. The mission of the program is to honor and recognize Michigan’s small business people as well as the champions and advocates that support them.
Additional Resources
- Full Press Release
- List of 2021 MCSB Awardees
- Michigan Celebrates Small Business announces 2021 awardees (Grand Rapids Business Journal)
- Michigan Business Network

ESS Universal manufactures and supplies high-quality, cost-effective commercial grade beds, mattresses, and furniture to camps, hostels, shelters, dorms and more. View our entire line of furniture products including our popular waterproof foam mattress for institutional use, single metal bed frames, single over single bunk beds, single over double bunk beds, and triple bunk beds. Download our catalog for detailed information on our complete product line.